Internal Leagues

Squash League

Get Involved

We welcome players of ANY standard to join the leagues, particularly those that are new to the game. The leagues are a great way to:
● meet other players.
● Play competitive games against equally matched opponents.
● Improve your squash and fitness.

Enter Results

Click on your name below to login to the league and enter results. To send emails, reset your password or update other information you'll need to go direct to the In-Zone website.

How does it work

The league comprises several divisions, each made up of approx. 5-7 players. You are expected to  play everyone in your division within the allotted time (approx. 2 months). You will need to arrange a time and book a court with your opponent. Once the game is played, you login and enter the result in the online league above. At the end of each rotation the top 2 players go up a division and the bottom two go down a division.