Rules and Scoring

1.  Matches are played over the best of five games.  World Squash Federation rules apply Squash Racketball

2.  Points are allocated automatically by the system as follows:

Player 2 games won
0 1 2 3
Player 1
3 7-1 6-2 5-3 N/A
2 6-2 5-3 4-4 3-5
1 5-3 4-4 3-5 2-6
0 4-4 3-5 2-6 1-7

3. Only complete games can be counted, e.g. If the score in games was 2-2, and 7-2 in points when the players are knocked off court, the final score is 2-2 = 4 points each. Games can be continued beyond 40 minutes to complete the game, providing both players are in agreement

4. When the points totals are calculated, if two or more players have the same points total, the following list of priorities applies to decide the higher placed, in descending order of importance:

  • The player to have played more matches
  • The winner between the players in their match
  • The player to have fewest points “against”
  • The player to have most points “for”
  • Number of points "for" minus the number of points "against"
  • The last criterion, applied to previous league cycle results, until a difference is found

5. It is the responsibility of each player to ensure that their results are recorded accurately on the web site.

Only results recorded by the end of the league cycle will be taken into account.

6. Each league runs over a 6 to 7 week period, and players move up and down according to their total points after this time:

Move down Move up
All other divisions 2 2
N/A 2

7.  It is the responsibility of each player to ensure their contact details on the web site are kept up to date

8.  Each player must make a reasonable effort to contact other players in the league to arrange games

9.  Every possible effort should be made to play your games.  Where this has not been possible, either leave the match with no score, or  use the following guidelines for a possible walkover claim:

  • Non-show to an agreed match date and time unless both players agree to rearrange
  • Cancellation within 24 hours of an agreed fixture
  • Non-response to two contacts (contact being any of: phone call, voice-mail, text message, email) requesting match dates by the final week of the league
  • Refusal to accept two reasonable fixtures with none offered in return
  • Cancellation of a fixture within the last 7 days of the league with no alternative offered

9.a  Intention to make a walkover claim should be notified to the opponent concerned and agreed where possible

9.b  If player plays one or more games but then fails to play the remaining games due to injury, the remaining players in the division will be entitled to register a walkover  for their games against that player (subject to 9.a)

9.c  The league administrator will not get involved in any arbitration regarding walkover claims. Any referrals made to the administrator that are not blatantly obvious and uncontested, will not be supported and any points removed

9.d  Entering an artificial score to give each player 4 points where a game has not been played is not acceptable.  Where this is discovered, the score will be removed.  Persistent offenders will be removed from the league

10.  Players that do not play any games during a league period, will be removed from the league. This will be reviewed if they have indicated they are 'injured' (see below) or sent an email to advising other mitigating circumstances

11.  If a player becomes injured it is their responsibility to indicate this using the 'Enter Results' option and selecting 'injured'.

  1. Entry into the league is strictly by application through the web site

13.  New players are normally entered in the bottom division.  However if spaces exist and the new player can demonstrate a higher level (e.g. played a current league player, played team squash elsewhere) this will be accommodated where possible

14. All players agree to abide by the rules as stated above, and may be excluded from competing in the league if they do not

15. The league administrator's decision on all matters is final